What is hyperthyroidism?

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Home Remedies for an Overactive Thyroid

One of the causes of hyperthyroidism is due to thyroiditis, as mentioned in the first post. To reduce inflammation of the thyroid gland, drink a glass of anti-inflammatory papaya juice every morning. Check out the video below to get the complete recipe with instructions and measurements.

Papaya helps to regulate the functions of thyroid glands. Both turmeric and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with the inflamed thyroid gland.

Some tips to note:
  • Incorporate yoga or meditation into your daily routine as stress is responsible for hormonal imbalance
  • Increase intake of cruciferous vegetable, such as cabbage and broccoli, which helps to control the level of thyroid activity
Hopefully this post will be useful to those suffering from hyperthyroidism. Take care. :)

Picture references:
[Cruciferous vegetables] n.d. [image online] Available at: <http://newsnews.perfectinter.net/post_image/2_1121_54> [Accessed 18 November 2015].
[Papaya juice] n.d. [image online] Available at: <http://www.graciemag.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Screen-Shot-2014-01-27-at-4.32.57-PM.png> [Accessed 18 November 2015].
[Yoga] n.d. [image online] Available at: <http://greatist.com/sites/default/files/styles/big_share/public/free-yoga.png?itok=uwn98osm> [Accessed 18 November 2015].

Video reference:
Homeveda - Home Remedies for You!, 2015. Home Remedies for Hyperthyroidism. [video] Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NNb_8raI20> [Accessed 18 November 2015].


  1. Cool! This blog is so informative! By the way, what nutrients are present in the cruciferous vegetables that make it suitable/ good for people with hyperthyroidism to consume?(:

  2. What components of papaya/ginger/tumeric half in anti-inflammation and what is the mechanism behind? Very nice layout btw, and many interesting and informative posts covering many aspects of hyperthyroidism! Really good job (:

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