What is hyperthyroidism?

Saturday 14 November 2015

Hyperthyroidism May Increase the Risk of Getting Dementia in Women

According to a recent study presented at the 15th International Thyroid Congress and 85th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association, data evaluated are from 9,495 adults with an average age of 64.9 years to determine the relationship between the function of the thyroid and the risk for dementia and MRI-related brain structures.

It is found that higher levels of free T4 were associated with a significantly higher risk for dementia. Findings also found that there is an increased risk for dementia in women, which is associated with higher free thyroxine levels. There is no risk increase found among men.

Online reference:
Cox, A., 2015. Hyperthyroidism may increase dementia risk in women. Healio, [online] 19 October. Available at: <http://www.healio.com/endocrinology/thyroid/news/online/%7Bcfd76451-6719-4806-87d1-dbaf516dae82%7D/hyperthyroidism-may-increase-dementia-risk-in-women> [Accessed 14 November 2015].
Picture reference:
[Dementia in woman] n.d. [image online] Available at: <http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1875471/images/o-PERSON-WITH-DEMENTIA-facebook.jp> [Accessed 21 November 2015].

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